portada hoquei Olot

Club Hoquei olot

foto club hoquei Olot

The club

Our organization was constituted as such on April 18, 1983 under the name of Club Hoquei Olot. The formation of the club was preceded by the work in school sports, specifically in the Escola Pia d' Olot, of Josep Jou i Calverons who, thanks to his dedication, managed to recruit a group of youngsters from this school in order to initiate them in the sport he loved so much. Once the affection was common and shared, it was decided, together with the youngsters' parents, to form a Board of Directors that would give legal compliance to the incipient sports structure that was being formed. The entity as such, began its competitive activities in the 1983-84 season, participating with a youth team in the provincial league of Girona in September 1983. The final classification of this, our first team, was last, obviously.

Our philosophy

Since Josep Jou founded our club in 1983, we have worked hard to bring hockey skates to the whole Garrotxa. All our work for more than 35 years has given its fruits. We have trained several players and players who have played at the highest division and our first teams are made up of players from here. We are still excited to continue working for many more years and bring you many more successes! We work hard on the base so that our first teams are formed by our own people. We respect the training work of other clubs. We bet on women's sports. Our fans fill the pavilion every weekend to cheer us on. If you feel identified, we want you to be one of us!

foto club hoquei Olot